Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye?

The Rant D’Jour is a true rant. The movie version of the events described is due out soon. I was way too close to this situation to be objective so I wasn’t.

A cheer reportedly went up on the floor at the New York Stock Exchange after the news came out that Eliot Spitzer, the former “Sheriff of Wall Street” has been caught with his special purpose in the wringer.

Unless you are deaf dumb and blind…more

Blog Post for 2/21/11 – 27 degrees at 6:22 AM -#$%^ &*&@! *&+^@” Snow. At least 5″ to 8″ Grrrrrr.

I have always admired good writing. There is some done locally, like my friend and mentor, Ed Ackerman. Ed’s latest. If you take the time to read that column you will see that Ackerman is master at the reveal. Read it. It’s good. Very well done.

I have been reading another local writer for years. He writes under several names and my first contact with him was as “Bart Somers” in a radio column (what a quaint concept that seems like now) called, If I recall correctly, “The Ear.”

Somers wrote in a chatty, gossipy style and devoted lots of space to the station I was birthing at the time, KRZ. Not all he wrote was complimentary. But who cared? It was funny and he always spelled my name right.

Bart Somers was actually Father Tom Carten. He writes a weekly column now in the Citizens Voice called “The Wax Museum” which, no shock to me, is not on-line in the Voice web site. Don’t feel bad, Father – the WEEKENDER doesn’t put my column up either.

Until very recently he was a regular contributor to the local “Blogosphere.” (no one calls it that anymore. I doubt they ever did.) with his Things at King’s.

Sadly, Carten has decided to make his exit from shoveling electrons. I knew the end was coming as his posts became more infrequent.
I thought maybe he was ill but he claims, in an email to me, that “It just got too hard to keep up” and I will take him at his word.

“Things at King’s” is worth a few hours to explore while Carten leaves it up. He was a prolific and talented writer and is a shining example of what can be done in this medium. I, for one, will miss his blog, which always reminded me of the style and look of the “New York Times.” No cartoons or stupid pictures in “Things at King’s.”

As opposed to this electronic trash heap which at times reminds me of the “National Enquirer.”

Ite, missa est.

See you later, Father.


Rant D’Jour

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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