The last few nights have been a full moon.

A few nights ago I was up at 3 am. It was bright enough to read a newspaper with no lights on. So I grabbed a newspaper and perused the police blotter.

The fact that people act crazier and there is more crime during a full moon is under some dispute. In spite of the word lunacy – which comes from the Latin for Moon or Luna. Some psychologists say it’s a bunch of hooey. But ask any policeman or emergency room worker.

Back to the police blotter. In the past three days there have been over 60 reports printed. I don’t know if that’s more or less than normal but it seems like a lot.

Domestic disputes, stolen vehicles, vandalism, all in incredible variety. A kid’s bike stolen, a ripped off basketball hoop, a license plate taken from a car, holiday decorations removed from a car (what holiday? Why were they in a car?)

Solar lights taken from a front yard. Someone even liberated two air conditioners from a fire hall. Now that takes intestinal fortitude.

And a bunch of people who had more than their share of John Barleycorn.

A guy arrested for throwing food and a mattress into the street. A lady who was driving on the sidewalk. A woman who was found drinking a beer in public then gave police a fake name. A 32 year old gal arrested for exposing her breasts to passing motorists. At 9am.

Some things that are just plain sad.

Someone broke into a place and stole an undetermined amount of hypodermic needles. You don’t need a psychologist to figure out where those will end up. A 2 year old thrown from a car into the road, then scooped up and put back in the car which drove off. Witnesses said the car was being driven recklessly.

And a man who broke into a house was found inside the residence, not his own, cooking.

There are a thousand stories in the naked city under a full moon.

As Warren Zevon put it.

Ahhh oooo!

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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