There’s a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well.

Click for todays’ rant

For those of you celebrating Christmas today I hope it’s better than mine so far.

Item 1. It always snows on “Russian Christmas”. This is doing NOTHING to improve my mood today. It has some to do with me being late posting today.

Item 2. I just spent 5 hours doing something that should have taken me an hour (or less) to do on the computer. I am still frothing at the mouth and won’t go into it today. Look forward to a complete, detailed, painful recap over the weekend.
This is the other reason I am tardy today.

Hey! Thanks for all the hits! Keep it up. It’s encouraging as hell…

Today’s recycled rant is from 2007. Oddly enough I just visited a Chinese Buffet yesterday and had a severe bout of gastronomic-intestinal distress shortly afterward. Will I ever learn?

Click for todays’ rant

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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