Adventures in amnesia

Rant Djour today is about the tiny little creatures that visit the Rising ranch during the summer. I figure why not trot this one out on one the coldest days so far. (see Blog Post below)

I don’t know if it was poo or pee. More on that in a bit.

I love hummingbirds more than any other bird. They are so cool. No other bird can…more


Blog Post for Friday 2/11/2011 – 2 degrees at 6:07 AM – Let us up. We’ve had enough.

Today is not starting out so good. My waking blood sugar was 198, a number I haven’t seen since before I went back on the meds. The reason is painfully obvious. I forgot my once a week injection of the study drug yesterday.

This is troubling because it begs the question, what will happen to me when this trial is done and I go off the super sophisticated (and presumably expensive) injection? I am told that insurances are reluctant to cover the cost of Byetta (exenatide) which is what the drug is based on. And that has to be injected twice daily.

This disease sucks.

Part of the problem, I know, is that I haven’t been getting my lazy ass into the gym in weeks. That is partly due to the fact that it’s been so soul-searing cold. But the great sugar readings have told me it’s OK to slack off.

It’s not.

I will also cop to being less than “compliant” in my diet.


Are chocolate covered strawberries good for a diabetic?

I only had a time.

This has to stop. You are my witness. I will be compliant, faithful to the gym and wash my face every day.

Starting Monday……

I made a small mistake in my rundown of benchmarks yesterday:

It should have included on Wednesday that I post that weeks WEEKENDER offering. This week I forgot to post it altogether.

It’s not been a great week for my remembering to do stuff, that’s for sure.

Here is the (revised) plan:

: A review – of a recently read or viewed, although probably not recent book or movie.

: The week’s WEEKENDER column.

Thursday: School work – while I take on the the books again you get to see the fruits of that labor.

Saturday: Aggregate – A collection of short thoughts, too little for a full post, too much to leave be.

Ok- that is that.

I have been ignoring the local trial of these lizards that wore black robes and ruined the kids lives. I have not written anything about Mark A. Ciavarella Jr. and his fellow judge and partner in crime Michael T. Conahan yet. I guess I have to at some point, just to get the taste out my mouth.

Maybe Monday…


Rant D’Jour

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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