Adventures in home repair

A startling recreation.

Did you ever have one of those perfect days? You get out of bed in a good mood. You shave yourself without opening a vein. The breakfast is made without setting the house on fire or dropping it on the floor. On the way out the door the birds are singing a merry tune, the sun is warm on your face and the car starts on the first try. It’s the perfect day.

Yesterday was the anti-day of that for me. 180 degrees reversed, like the creepy episode of Star Trek where everyone had an evil twin.
Sometimes you have days where you can do anything. Yesterday was the day that I once and for all decided that I can do almost nothing.

It’s another home handyman disaster story, folks. It started last fall where I decided to shut down my studio above the garage for the winter. Too much other work on the other jobs. So I drained the toilet, opened the faucets and shut the water off. Turned the heater off and forgot all about it.

Yesterday I decided to turn it back on. I carefully (heh) looked over the plumbing. Then turned the water back on. The shut off is in my basement. Studio is a minutes’ walk away. Took my time. Was greeted at the door of the studio by “Agnes” the remake. Sprinted to the house. Fell partway there and knocked the wind and what little sense I had out of me.

I shut off the water and returned to the scene of the crime. Expensive microphones were floating around. A pipe that was perfect when I checked it now was clearly not.

So I went to the hardware store and they sold me a plastic fitting to fix it. Would probably have worked if I didn’t snap it in half.

Now comes the real bad idea.

I got the propane torch out, blew the cobwebs off it. The little bastard would only stay lit if I held the barbeque lighter to it.

Awkward. Burned myself.

Set the plastic drain pipe for the sink on fire.

Threw everything into the trash. I was scared to call the plumber. The last time he charged me the 401 k and a quart of blood. A colleague “knew a guy” and he actually showed up, did the fix and charged less than the travel time of the last bandit.

I remarked to him about how inept I was. His comment? “Some people are good at some things, and not others.”

I thanked him for his well meant condescension and decided then and there that I would stick to what I know how to do well.

Naps. Lunch.

Dialing 911.


Go back to today’s Blog post for 3/12/11

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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