Aggregate Saturday:

Aggregate Saturday:

A day at McDonald’s this Thursday, due to total Comcast fail. No TV, No I-net and no phone. Talk about being plunged back into the dark ages. Comcast blamed PPL power line burning up and doing same to their fiber optic cable (according to the phone tech I talked to. Sample convo: Me: Do you know where the cable burned? Him: Some place called…Tunahanock..Tunkanock. Me: Close enough)

Normal day off is Thursday. Odd how elements conspire to put me on my on-line, totally dependent on the I-net job on the day the power lines burn. Odd but predictable, just as bread falls butter side down. I’m a glass half empty kind of guy.

My younger son, also tethered to the WWW for his living had no power or service for several days in CT. where they got what we got after Irene and Lee. He talked about Panera bread throttling back I-net service due to too many glommers. And he spoke about no gas because the service stations had no power. Won’t the apocalypse be fun? I am laying in EXTRA rations of grog. It may be the only thing we have left. Drunkenness in the cold, dark, candle lit night.

We have the outside repairs done. Roof is on anyway. Downed trees need to be removed. But the dreaded inside work needs to be addressed and before the Christmas holday. This wil not end pretty, methinks.

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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