Aggregate Saturday

Aggregate Saturday

The Penn State scandal is like a snowball turning into an avalanche. It may crush the entire Penn State football program before all is said and done. In a way I am unable to feel too badly about it all, except for the victims. What kind of society have we built that cherishes sport over mind and rewards the men who stoke the machine even to the point of ignoring their faults. Joepa is NOT a nice guy. He is getting a load of karma back right now. I am unable to feel badly.

The squirrels have taken up residence above our heads again. The roofer swore that he plugged the entrance. Plan A down. Plan B is to spray the stuff that keeps the deer off the Hosta. I hope plan B works.

Speaking of deer, four in the backyard yesterday. Two doe and two fawns. As much as I don’t like them eating my bushes there is something restful about watching them graze.

Penultimate NASCAR weekend. Next week at Homestead the whole season ends. I am ready and I will take the week after Thanskgiving away from cars that go fast and loud.

It’s now nearly 50 days since I have had caffeine of any sort. For my morning beverage I have hot water and lemon. Today’s “Juiced” entry has some interesting news about my blood work done recently. If it doesn’t make you think about the benefits of what I am doing then you are probably either really healthy (good on ya) or you are stupid. Choose.

Read Mary Doria Russell- Start with “Sparrow”. She is the best author I have come across since Stephen King and for me that says something.

Speaking of Stephen King I just received 11/22/63: A Novel
from Amazon. This will be my vacation read while enjoying the Maine coast.

House is buttoned up for winter pretty much. I need a warm day next week to get the top up on the MG. I am enjoying my new Heater in the kitchen so much, especially since I bought it locally for $176. It’s 28 degrees out and 70 in here and the furnace is not burning dollar bills. Our power bill? We shall see.

Thanks for reading.

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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