I like this concept: The IDEA BANK
It’s such a good idea in so many ways.
I need to make a withdrawal.
I am over drawn.
I’ll just deposit that right in the old…
Let’s see what’s in the…
See? It works on so many levels.
I think ideas are a writer’s stock in trade. The whole process starts when you have an idea and ends when you run out. Most of mine come knocking around 2 am. If I am lucky and conscious enough I will grab the cell phone charging beside my bed and tap myself out a note. In some cases, but not all, those notes mean something to me in the morning. A good percentage of the time they do not.
Idea bank mud blood jiizz.-lsw has seen. One I can’t one she can’t
That’s the entry from last night. At 1:58 am.
I did manage to remember the Idea Bank concept. As for the rest. Not so sure. I will probably remember tonight.
Sleep seems for me to be the best way to access the Idea Bank. My thinking is that the Bank is always stocked full but that you only get to make a certain number of withdrawals at a time.
This is to prevent you from writer’s overload, a completely different problem than writer’s block.
Sort of like the concept for time, which has always been explained to me: Time is an invention by man so that everything doesn’t happen at once.
Imagine if all the ideas came out at once.
I think I know people for whom that has happened.
Most of them are locked away, some live in chemical restraints.
Second best way for me to access the Idea Bank is a a shopping/flea market trip with the long-suffering wife. Quite often a person, place or thing will open the vault and I will end up stopped, typing furiously into my Blackberry, much to the annoyance of my wife.
Third best for me, and the most dangerous by far, idea bank access while driving. I truly do not want to use the keypad and write them down at 55 MPH. But idea bank transactions are funny in the way they dissipate if you don’t catch them right at the moment.
I just proofed that last statement and noticed I had typo-ed “writhe them down” and I am pretty sure it wasn’t spellchecker in action. I like that in a twisted way. Words often seem to be writhing on the page while I tame them.
Little snakey bastards.
I have tried to speak the ideas into a little recorder. I guess I could learn to do that but it never seems as productive as the little cryptic notes.
mud blood jiizz.-lsw has seen. One I can’t one she can’t
Hmmm…no clue.
The Rant D’Jour is from early 2005. Something we can all relate to.
At the risk of bringing down the gods of clichés on my head I want to say here and…more