Well the Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Avoca, Pittston, International airport has gone and done it again. Another perfectly good airline signed on to fly out of our slowly growing airport and then went belly up. Actually I wanted to say another word other than belly, you know, the word that Janet Jackson showed off during her wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl. But I better leave it at belly, although in this instance I could use hooters and get away with it. There you go. The airline went hooters up. And who didn’t see that one coming?
Hooters Air arrived with a bunch of fanfare and, as Hugh Hefner might have put it, a bevy of beautiful women less than a year ago. The hooters girls were on every flight, not stewardesses but there to provide in flight entertainment. No not that kind-you know like games and that sort of thing. According to the Hooters air web site “the flights have great flight crews plus two Hooters Girls on every flight! It was supposed to be a great experience that enlivens the senses and puts the fun back in flying!â€
Uh huh.
Most of the flights for Hooters out of Avoca were to Florida and a good percentage of those flights had as their destination Orlando, the home of Walt Disney World. Now unless I miss my guess if you are going to visit the mouse you probably are taking the family. I am sure Hooters girls are wholesome and fun loving people but I am having a little trouble fitting even the word hooters and family vacation in the same sentence. But the wheels that run Wilkes-Barre, Scranton Avoca, Pittston, International airport thought it through and using some sort of logic decided everything would work out just fine.
It wasn’t that long ago that those same wheels put an airline called Vacation Express on the flight line. That one didn’t work out much better. I am sure it had nothing to do with one of the pilots being removed from a plane under suspicion of being intoxicated.