Bob Dylan said “Steal a little they’ll lock you up, steal a lot they’ll make you king.”

In the case of Jessica Hardy it didn’t come out that way.

Jesse allegedly stole a lot and she’s in the jailhouse now. I read the arrest report in the case of the missing wishes. It runs 35 pages.

Jessica, in case you didn’t know was head honcho in this area for a charity outfit called Make-a-wish. The idea is that very sick or terminally ill kids get to have a wish granted. The Make-a-wish guys and girls gather the wishes, ask for donations and grant wishes.

Pretty great idea.

Only Jessica Robertine Hardy allegedly decided that her wishes for a hot tub and a home theater system were more important than the kids she was supposed to be serving.

According to the very thorough investigation by two highly motivated Luzerne county detectives Jessica even used money from the charity to buy her fix of Kool cigarettes on multiple occasions.

Pages and pages of stuff that could had put a smile on some real sick kid like trips to the super bowl and thousand dollar mall shopping sprees instead put a smile on Jessica’s face.

There is a concept in Eastern religions called Karma.

Explained briefly : Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done and is currently doing. The effects of those deeds actively create present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one’s own life. In religions that incorporate reincarnation, karma extends through one’s present life and all past and future lives as well.

I have always taken this to mean if you lived a good life you come back in your next life as something better than your prevoius life.

And of course if you live a bad life you come back as something worse and live that life trying to be better.

If all these allegations about Jessica Hardy are true I wonder how dung beetle sounds to her.

Instead of rolling in the dough she can spend her next lifetime following cattle around and rolling balls of their excrement from place to place.

And then eating it.

Sounds about right to me.

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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