Things that make me go Hmmm.
A vandal in Nanticoke with a can of blue spray paint. The police blotter the other day in the Times leader reports three separate incidents of someone spray painting various property with nasty words in blue. As near as I can tell from the account in the newspaper this all happened on broad daylight, about 1pm and the three incidents were within blocks of each other. A Church, a funeral home and someone’s rental property were all defaced.
Now I don’t claim to be a detective. But I have seen lots of episodes of Cops on the TV and I read a lot of mystery novels. Maybe I can help here.
The whole deal raises loads of questions in my mind. First of all, why blue? Is there a significance to the color that we don’t get? Was the idiot who did this a Penn state fan. A possible clue for the cops. Look for someone with a Penn State sticker on his car and blue paint on his hands.
Second question for my inquiring mind. Was the choice of a funeral home and a church a random act? Or was there a message here. Some loved one of the blue paint vandal died recently and the Mass said in the church? Maybe they lived at the rental property that was defaced. I am just trying to give the detectives in Nanticoke a little help here.
And thirdly and I have to be very careful here due to recent FCC rules. The message the vandal painted. It was a Anglo Saxon term for lovemaking and the word you. So maybe the vandal was trying in his or her own peculiar way to spread a message of peace, love and understanding. Like the hippies in the 60’s Make love, not war. Love make yourself.
It may not be the biggest mystery in our area. But since Hugo won’t be on trial again for a long time it maybe the most interesting.
ED NOTE: Censorship reference in last graph. Forget not I was delivering many of this stuff on the radio.