Aggregate Saturday

Aggregate Sunday:

GOOGLE analytics suck. Mmm k?

Earthquake story. That’s what I will write this week for the WEEKENDER. OK that’s set.

I have been in a pissy semi-pissed off mood for about a week. I think it was the earthquake. There’s my lead. But it’s true. It could also be Hurricane Irene, expected to blow into town today/tonight/tomorrow.

Hurricane preparations. I vacuumed the pool and drew the water level down as far as I could and still run the filter.
Really what else can you do? Out roof already leaks. The roofer looked at it and when he left to “do an estimate for ya” he had little dollar signs dancing in his eyes.

We have plenty of bottled water. Enough canned goods to last months. If we need to cook we have the gas grill and two spare tanks. Some of the flashlights work. I have one that hand cranks. I have a battery powered radio and it worked…a while ago. Both main cars are full of gas.

It will be a mostly rain event for us. Probably a lot of wind too. I have been in one before, on the seacoast of NH. It was pretty awesome. Stood holding my jacket over my head like a sail and leaned into the wind. Did some “on the coast” reports from a payphone (1984 this was) and heard them later on. Just wind noise with me shouting faintly.

Did I mention suck? Well they do.

Big day today, busy day before the storm. Yard sales. Errands. Kielbasa fest in Plymouth. Did you know some spell it kielbasi? Heathens. When I was a radio refugee I was a judge for the fest. Several times. Oddly enough my reach with my scribbling on the web now is many, many times greater. Millions. But of course I can’t write about ground meat in intestines on my current outlets. Unless they decide to use kielbasa powered cars. That would be interesting.

It’s really humid and miserable. I can feel Irene sneaking into town. I am secure in the knowledge that we have enough bread and milk.
Enough. When I begin weather talk I know it’s enough. Thanks for reading. Both of you. All hail GOOGLE!

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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