Weekender Column 1/4/11: New Years Resolutions.

Weekender Column 1/4/11: New Years Resolutions.

I can’t wait for 2012.

Now don’t get me wrong. 2011 had some good stuff going for it. But as a human being I remember the bad stuff with great clarity while the good stuff just seems to be sort of a fuzzy haze. And the bad stuff that I remember about 2011 I will carry with me to my grave.

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? A quick web search yields this top ten:

1) Lose weight and get in better physical shape
2) Stick to a budget
3) Debt reduction
4) Enjoy more quality time with family & friends
5) Find my soul mate
6) Quit smoking
7) Find a better job
8) Learn something new
9) Volunteer and help others
10) Get organized

I like this list but for me it needs some work.

#1. Is fine as is. #2 and # 3 sound like Be financially responsible to me. Down to 9.
#4, is a tough one for a curmudgeon such as me. Let’s make that one Be more patient with others. If you knew my family you would agree. #’s 5, #6 and #7 are not an issue. I haven’t smoked for decades, I have been married to a saint for decades and I like my job as well as anything I do when I am not sleeping. I think #’s 8 and 9 could be combined –let’s call that one Self-improvement .

And # 10? Yep-my work space often looks like Hurricane Irene just left. Need some work there, I do.
So the new and improved list for me:

1) Lose weight and get in better physical shape
2) Be financially responsible
3) Be more patient with others
4) Self Improvement
5) Be more organized

Wow, pretty good-I got the list to five from ten. Now I think I will add two more.

6) Ask for and accept help
7) Be grateful

So there is my list. My challenge: to turn these from words on the page and into action. But I think that Be more patient with others also applies to me. I am a work in progress. Or as most people who know me say: A piece of work.
Happy New Year!

Reach Jim at contact@jamesrising.com Even more rants are on his blog, updated every day that ends in “y” at jamesrising.com

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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