Waiter…there are SNAILS on her plate!

Mr. Gavalas and Ms. Tricha chose to move back to his native Chios, an Aegean island closer to Izmir, Turkey, than to Athens. They set up their boutique farm using $50,000 from their families’ life savings. That investment has yet to pay off; they will have their first harvest later this year. But the couple are confident about their decision.

“When I call my friends and relatives in Athens, they tell me there’s no hope, everything is going from bad to worse,” Ms. Tricha said on a recent afternoon, as she walked through her greenhouse, where thousands of snails lumbered along on rows of damp wooden boards. “So I think our choice was good.”


How bad can my life be? I work inside, no heavy lifting and…I DON’T RAISE SNAILS!!!

A SNAIL FARM? Seriously? I know there are worse ways to make a living but I can’t think of any right off hand.

It’s not that I hate them…actually they are kind of cool to watch, crawling on the edge of a straight razor.

But that trail. That slimy mucus trail. Jeez.

I have heard that you can trap the critters with beer. Seems like a waste to me.

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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