Rant D’Jour
The Rant D’jour is the one that will be in today’s issue of the WEEKENDER. No fair peeking at the “Model of the week” or the chicks with dicks ads first. Go directly to the rant.
One small side note. As is the case in most journalistic endeavors I have no control over the headline the WEEKENDER puts on my article. That’s just how it’s done. But in the case of this tragedy of the printed word I write my own. The headline for today’s is the actual conversation I had with the motorist who picked me up as I stumbled by the roadside after flipping the KRZ van three times into a big field of tall grass.
I didn’t see it happen. I heard it, but didn’t think too much about it.Sounded like someone driving by scraped the snow bank. Not much different a sound…more
Blog Post for Wednesday 2/16/11 – 17 degrees at 6:25 AM – I have the house to myself – Long-suffering wife is tending to her Father and a myriad of Doctor’s appointments.
I must make a confession here. Today when I went to post the Rant D’Jour I could NOT for the life of me remember what it was.
I don’t know how it is for other writers. But my articles are kinda like my children. I love them and cherish them but I let them go after they are grown up, or published. In this case, truth be told, two weeks went by between writing and publishing so I guess I can be forgiven my lapse of memory. Easy enough to figure out. I just go into my e-mail and check the sent dates.
But this complete lapse of memory got me to thinking. I HAVE been writing a LOT lately. Between school, this Blog and the WEEKENDER I am a familiar site to my keyboards. I decided to take a snapshot of how much I really am churning out.
Those are word counts. There is some school work in there (1259, 373) I wrote an article that was published on SPEED.com and TruckSeries.com (a VERY big deal for me. Woot!) and some other stuff. The big number, 4000 words is a weeks worth of this Blog. (!)
The grand total: very close to 12,000 words.
That’s a pretty typical weeks output for me.
Just to keep things fair I did not include in the word count the re-posted rants. If I had that would have boosted the count by about 3000 words. I also left out writing I have done for the newly resurrected “Rising at Ten.” Yes there is writing for a radio show.
Let’s look at this in perspective.
A typical mainstream or mystery novel is about 60,000 words.
If I had this sort of output directed to a novel it would be done in about 5 weeks.
Jim is thinking about writing a book.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Bounce rate is UP. Click to get to the Rant D’Jour Please?