But in my never ending search for signs of the oncoming apocalypse this ranks right up there.
Because of the work I do I am extraordinarily sensitive to voices. I especially pay close attention to voices in movies and on TV. I often recognize the announcers. They prefer to be called voice over artists.
Sometimes they can fool you. There is young guy out there making a pretty good living sounding exactly like Martin Sheen. I can tell when it’s him and not the real deal.
I also notice little technical details. I can tell when a section of dialogue has been replaced in a movie. It just sounds different. To anyone watching with me it must be a tedious exercise. But it’s just the way I am.
So it is with some interest that I noticed that two of the most recognized voices of all time passed on within a day of each other.
Paul Winchell-the voice of Tigger and John Fiedler the voice of Piglet. They were 82 and 80 respectively.
I know that the franchise will go on. In fact if truth is told the voice of Pooh-Sebastian Cabot – has been in the hundred acre wood in the sky since 1977. Poohs’ voice and Tiggers have been done by a man named Jim Cummings for quite a few years.
Some aspiring voice over guy will take on Piglet and for most of you it will be just fine.
But me and Christopher Robin will notice the difference.
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