It’s the idiots who talk about it.
How many times have you heard “Hot enough for ya†this summer?
Yeah, it’s hot all right – So far in August the lowest temp we have had during the day here in Northeast Pa. is 82. 6 days out of ten have been above ninety. Last Thursday was a thermometer melting 97. And let’s not even talk about last month.
In June the National weather service called our average temperature much above normal. In New York State it called June the record warmest.
So this summer I have been very thankful that I have a swimming pool. It’s only marginally spoiled by the fact that I have a neighbor on one side who thinks its ok to burn garbage any time night or day, laying down a stink that reminds me of trips to the dump. One of my other neighbors has fixation with revving his chain saw for hours at a time and running heavy equipment. I think he thinks he is Bob the builder. I wish he would run out of gas. Permanently, if you know what I mean.
Maybe the heat makes these things seem worse than they are.
But for the time I spend at the deep end of the pool, 5 or six feet under water I can’t hear or smell any annoyances.
It’s cool bliss.
It’s gonna be a hot one again today and the weekend looks like it too.
Looking for me? I’ll be at the bottom of the pool.
The guy with the big grin on his face.