Today’s Rant D’Jour is the one that, if all goes well, be published in this weeks “WEEKENDER.” I say if all goes well because it is about 200 words over my column count and it may not fit.
It was done with the help of my friend and mentor Ed Ackerman who wrote the chorus and made sure it all rhymed. I have hopes to get it recorded, at least one singer has agreed to do it, arrangements are pending. Sing with me now – to the tune of Don McLean’s “American Pie.”
A long, long time ago…
I can still remember
How faith in Justice used to make me smile.
And I hoped, given half a chance
The Law would make Ciavarella dance
And, maybe,…. more Rant D’Jour
Blog Post for 2/23/11 – Wednesday – 1 degree and colder than Mark Ciavarella’s heart. Spring (according to the calendar) is next week. and it is a real advantage. It records both sides of telephone conversations, or you can access it and use it as a recorder through your cell phone. The quality is probably not good enough for broadcast but it’s close. After all it’s a phone call. But for transcribing interviews it is just superb. Not cheap, the monthly fee is $9.95 and then per minute it’s .10 cents but in yesterdays case ducking in and out of classes it was a god send. Plus my note taking skills suck and my handwriting is like chickens on speed writing with ink covered claws.-30-
Todays Rant D’Jour