Sunday Wrap
Started last week, this is the look back at the past 7 days of this exercise in words. This looks like it’s a no-brainer but it probably takes more time to get all the links right then it would to actually write a blog. But I think it serves a purpose. Or maybe a porpoise. Thanks for all the fish.
Monday 4/4/11:
Rant D’Jour Hooker Be Gone Device
Blog Post Monday morning you sure look fine.
Tuesday 4/5/11:
Rant D’Jour Happiness is just unhappiness turned inside out
Blog PostTuesday Review-“Despicable Me”
Wednesday 4/6/11:
Rant D’Jour Tower of Babel?
Blog Post Calgon, Take Me Away
Thursday 6/7/11:
Rant D’Jour Customer dis-courtesy
Blog Post School Daze
Friday 6/8/11:
Rant D’Jour TGIF
Blog Post Idea Bank
Saturday 6/9/11:
Rant D’Jour Oh, my sweaty satin
Blog Post Aggregate Saturday
The Rant D’Jour quotes a Don Henley song. So it can’t be all bad.
I gave a talk to a bunch of teenagers the other day. These were high school guys and girls…more