Hooray for Hollywood

I hate the cynical old fart I have become.

It’s not a pleasure to constantly see things that I feel need to be ranted upon and it’s tiresome day after day to get into complaint mode and spew my venom out on something. It’s a chore and sometimes I just want to break the mold and say something nice.

Oh my gawd. I am ranting about ranting!

Today however I have something nice to say. Sort of.

The long-suffering wife and I ventured out to the new R/C Theaters Wilkes-Barre movies 14 in downtown Wilkes-Barre last Sunday. It’s a long name for a movie theater.. R/C theaters Wilkes-Barre movies 14. I wonder what the short name will become? It’s Cinemark in Moosic, The Gateway on Rt 11 and the Mall at the Wyoming Valley mall. So I am sure we will come up with a new name shortly.

Back to the R/C Theaters Wilkes-Barre Movies 14. What does the R/C stand for? Who cares? The first thing you see is the marquee and it’s astoundingly beautiful. Well, maybe a bit gaudy but hey, it’s a movie theater! It stands out like a fireworks show and makes the rest of the area around it seem like the interior of a bag ladies pocketbook. The lobby is huge with a towering staircase or escalators, you choose. The ticket booth well, here’s where I began to sense the tiny problem I will get into later.

All three ticket sellers spoke in perfect unison. “Can I help you?”

“You win,” I said to the guy on the left. He didn’t get it. My Wife gave me the look. We got our tickets to Superman Returns and went upstairs. The area where the snack bar is filled with comfy seats and is under a huge screen showing previews. It’s nice.

We snagged the popcorn and found our way to the show.

Now I have ranted before about how much I hate going to the movies. It’s the other people who tick me off, talking and spilling stuff on me. Kicking my chair. None of these were a problem at the R/C Theaters Wilkes-Barre movies 14. Why? Because no one was there. Now this was a rainy Sunday Afternoon. It was a perfect movie day. It was, to be sure, just after the flood with no name. But there were 6 people in theater. Counting us! No wonder the ticket sellers were anxious to serve. They were just plain bored.

I really do hope that the R/C Theaters Wilkes-Barre movies 14 works out. It is without a doubt the best thing to happen in Downtown since forever.

But they gotta do something about that name.

ED NOTE: Originally written July 2006. The Gateway and the Mall theaters have since closed.


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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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