It’s still the one

Everybody talks about the weather.

But our Senator Rick Santorum is trying to do something about it.

He is trying to make it harder or maybe even impossible for you to get the forecast from the National weather service, which I might add here-your tax dollars pay for. Why? Because there are about a dozen private weather forecasting companies here in the Keystone state and the good Senator only is trying to save jobs by making the national weather service report only to them.

Accu Weather in State college has been in business for 39 years. You see them on Channel 28 here in NEPA. I ask you-if they have been in a business which is more often than not wrong for nearly four decades…how much competition does the Government really pose?
You may find it curious that in the last five or six years the workers at AccuWeather have donated $5,500 to Rick’s reelection fund.

The national weather service web site got nearly nine million hits on its web site during hurricane season last year. How much money could have been made if those nine million hits were able to be charged for by a private weather service? Probably a lot more than $5,500. Money well spent if you ask me.

ED NOTES: Rick Santorum is no longer a Senator but is running for president. The National Weather Service is alive and well.


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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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