On Mundy Street

So Tommy Van Soy has passed on to the big diamond mine in the sky.

I managed to meet Tommy while I worked at another station here In NEPA. It was my job to interview him for his book “Yes you can, if you want to.” And I asked what I thought were great questions. Tommy came into the studio, a room about the size of a phone booth, with a cigar about the size of a telephone pole.

I made It through the segment and escorted him to the door, went back to the studio to edit the tape and discovered to my richest horror that the damn tape recorder wasn’t in record. Ran down to the parking lot screaming for him to hold on.

To his credit Tommy was more than gracious and understanding.

Had I been in his shoes I would have thrown me to the wolves.

I guess I can I honestly say that Tommy Van Scoy fits the Hemingway definition of Courage. That is grace, under pressure.


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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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