Aggregate Saturday

Aggregate Saturday

I am still very bummed out about no Bloomsburg Fair this year. Today would have been the first day and we have rarely missed a first day. Life goes on, I guess.

Took my car to get inspected. 647$$$ later no sticker. It needed Tie rod ends, alignment, this that and that other thing. But it also needs some exhaust work which the guy at the place said there are no after market parts for. Total from the dealer where I will never go again would be $2000! SO…he suggests a muffler shop. I am exhausted just thinking about this. I think about Florida and other states where there is no inspection. I think about a lot of things.

The back acres got cleared enough in a superhuman act of frenzied cutting and dragging so I could mow it with the rider. One tree left just a stump. If you have followed my act at all you know what’s coming. I ran over the stump the first time and escaped with no injury to the blade but I heard it hit.. Thought to myself, hmmmm…better mark that with a stick. Forgot completely about it on my loop and the next time around hit it square and bent the blade.
Long-suffering wife says “Didn’t you know it was there.” We have not spoken since.

I have decided to juice. I will keep a separate blog post on my progress but this will not be promoted “socially”. So really, probably, no one will see it. Sort of like peeing in the dark. You know, a nice warm feeling but no one knows but me.

Concurrently I am also giving up caffeine. By tomorrow at this time I will not be fit to live with.

Went to gym this morning. Yes it is Saturday.

Ok, that’s enough. I need to fix one of the audio projects I did last week. I only made small mistake. Mispronounced a word. It only appears 1,000 times in the copy. Sigh.

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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