R.I.P. Bill McKinney “Squeal Like A Pig For Me”

R.I.P. “Squeal Like A Pig For Me”

Bill McKinney, a character actor whose most recognizable performance was as a menacing hillbilly in the 1972 film “Deliverance,” died on Thursday at a hospital near his home in Van Nuys, Calif. He was 80.

This scene nearly got me fired from my job at WHEB-FM in the 80’s.

We did scenes from movies, recreating the dialogue and sound effects with our cast of five (my, weren’t we ahead of the curve..or behind it) and we chose this one day.

Management was FURIOUS and told us to never to do it again.

I have a big problem with being told what NOT to do so we did it again the next day…in French. And the day after that in German (which was, as I recall REALLY funny) and then in Navaho (one of the writers was Indian).

Management was less than amused. I couldn’t have cared less. It led to one of many meetings where I suggested that they just fire me. But they never did.


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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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