Aggregate Saturday 1/4/11:
Anything bad befall you on Friday the 13th? I thought so.
Why is it that most of my rice cake ends up on the floor? At least to hear the long-suffering wife complain about picking up my crumbs that’s how it seems. Cash reward for crumb-less rice cakes.
Day off today. I could get used to this but I better not. Full-time motorsports racing is bearing down on me fast. Soon it will be WFO!
WFO Weather Forecast Office
WFO Wirtschaftsförderung Osnabrück Gmbh
WFO Western Field Ornithologists
WFO Washington Field Office
WFO Work for Others (USACE)
WFO World Federation of Orthodontists
WFO Wood Fired Oven
WFO Wide Full Open
WFO World Food Organisation (note European spelling)
WFO Western FJR Owners (Yamaha motorcycles)
WFO World Football Organization (soccer) (Note American spelling)
WFO Worldwide Freezing Order (formerly Mareva Injunction)
WFO Workforce Management Optimization
WFO Wide Freakin’ Open (polite form)
WFO Wall Furniture Outlet
WFO Waste Facilities Operations
WFO Wild Florida Online
WFO Weights Fully Out (old steam engine term, denoting maximum engine speed)
WFO Wound Flat Out
WFO Wing Field Order
WFO Women for Ocala
WFO World Future Organization (Los Angeles, CA; est. 2009)
Now you know
A BIG printing concern in my town just fired 69 workers. Offset Paperback from the website:
Offset Paperback Manufacturers
One of the largest manufacturers of mass-market paperback books in the world, Offset Paperback Manufacturers (OPM) produces approximately 350 million mass market and digest book products a year. OPM can take a project through the entire process starting with digital photography through pre-press, printing, binding and distribution/fulfillment.
OPM has a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and is the only paperback book manufacturer to use exclusively the offset printing process for text reproduction. The result: OPM produces the highest quality mass-market and digest book products on the market today. Our commitment to the industry means that type and halftones are sharp, clean and crisp. In addition, the technology in place at OPM translates into reduced cycle times, higher image quality and accurate page (insert) placement for our customers.
According to a statement from Offset, the company will lay off 69 full-time workers on January 27. The company produces about 350 million paperback books a year, but officials blame the layoffs on the increased use of e-readers, such as the Kindle and Nook.
One of the reasons I bailed out of radio was that I saw the train. I knew if I stayed I would become just like so many of my friends are now. Scrambling for a job. So I forced the issue and forced myself to find something else to do. I now have work. I make money. It is on the internet. Wake up, big companies. The future is here, now. If you are still making buggy whip holders, no one needs them or buggy whips.
Recently a music store chain in the area closed another store. At one point this family owned “record store” (quaint term that) had 15 stores in the area.
Now they have five. BUT, they are still open for business.
They saw the train. Did what they had to do and have survived. They will find a way. Unlike the big paperback company, which I predict will be shuttered in less than five years.
Wow-on a soap box today, aren’t we?
Just finished the new Tom Clancy. “Locked On” I LIKE Tom Clancy. The ending REALLY pissed me off. Just sayin’. Soap opera bullshit. Cliffhanger. Now I can’t wait for the next one. Dammit.
Long sucker, too. 884 pages.
I am trying to hold my temper with people who piss me off. Last night I was on the phone with the power company in a dispute about a bill. I paid it. They managed to credit to the wrong account (I have two-long story short the studio has it’s own meter-tax purposes) and I was fuming.
The phone tree menu pissed me off greatly. It was endless and offered no option that spoke to my issue. I did what I always do, punched “O” until someone came on the line.
“How are you today?” she asked after we got thru all the opening stuff.
“I would be a lot better if I could have the half hour of my life back it took me to get you on the line.” See how I am?
At this point the long-suffering wife came into the room and gave me the look. The look can stop locomotives in their tracks. The look is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. The look is faster than a speeding bullet.
Usually the look will just egg me on.
Last night, for whatever reason, it worked. I was nice as pie, blueberry, warmed, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
And I got what I wanted, an apology, credit and a wiped out late-fee charge.
Maybe this “nice” stuff works. huh?
As always, thanks for reading.