Eat, drink and be merry…

For tomorrow we diet:

Every year it’s the same.

Diet commercials sprout like mushrooms after a summer rain.

Fitness equipment goes on sale for deep discounts.

Gyms and exercise classes advertise like there is no tomorrow.

It’s fitness season and it’s a crock, folks.

Unless you are very, very committed (and NO, you are not that committed) or very, very lucky (if you are, play the Lottery) you will lose weight (maybe) and then gain back more.

About the only thing certain to get thinner is….your bank account.

Now – they have enlisted Doctors into the scheme.

Enticing Doctors to Endorse a Weight-Loss Program

With Medicare set to start reimbursing doctors for obesity treatment in January, a new campaign by the Center for Medical Weight Loss is directing ads both at patients and, for recruitment purposes, at physicians.

Now the company is embarking on a two-tiered marketing campaign, one directed at recruiting doctors to incorporate the program into their practices, and another at consumers.

“In medical school, I learned more about treating malaria than I learned about treating obesity,” begins a print ad directed at physicians that quotes Dr. Michael Kaplan, the founder of the company. “I have yet to see a patient with malaria.”

The ad will begin appearing in February in medical publications including the American Journal of Medicine. The campaign is by the Levinson Tractenberg Group, an independent agency in Manhattan.

Bear in mind, if you are impressed with the fact that the prestigious American Journal of Medicine will carry the ads, that the medical publication also used to take ads for cigarettes. There are just as many whores in the medical profession as on any street corner in a downtown on a Friday night.

I am a professional weight loss expert. I will, in the coming days explain what exactly that means.

I also think I have found, at least for me, the answer. It may work for you too.

I have found the simple, no diet program that will allow me to lose weight, improve my blood chemistry, have more energy and add years to my life.

Stay tuned. I will let you in on the secret in the months to come.

Odd…they DON’T show Fat Janet in the ads, do they?

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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