Piles of them

Dead monkeys is what I use to illustrate how to write  an open in advertising copy.

I also used it as a headline in my Journalism class last semester. The Prof thought it was one of the best headlines he had ever read.

AIDA is the mnemonic I use to remember the important parts of writing a good radio ad.


Interest. Very big piles of them

Desire. You must have dead monkeys

Action. Here is how to get your dead monkeys today

The reason I used dead monkeys in the headline for today’s FACEBOOK posting is that my oldest, who is wise in the ways of directing traffic to websites in ways I am not, suggested an intriguing headline and picture to grab you, the reader. More clicks.

Oh, so now you have caught on to me. I am only in this for the clicks. Too true. The question is, is there any other reason to write here? Am I doing this for my own amusement?

Mostly, I fear.

Today’s story is from early in 2005. I don’t think this hit the Weekender as it is way short of the word count.

I think the picture adds a lot to it.

Click HERE for Today’s Rant

Thanks for reading.

Day 3 of 365, 2011

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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