Writing redux

Writing five of these rants weekly has been an experience. Oddly enough when I was knee high to a married grasshopper writing was what I wanted to do. Then I got bitten by the radio bug and that was, as they say, that.

There is a certain amount of putting pen to paper in this business but it revolves around commercials, a truly disgusting form of manure spreading and News which is just the facts, Jack.

But over the past few years I have been able to do these little epistles I have had a great deal of fun and sometimes think in my heart of hearts that occasionally I can turn a phrase here or there that makes sense.

If nothing else I have developed a larger ego.

Some of what I write is from research. I will take a newspaper story and go on-line to see if I can find out more about it then try to give it some sort of evil twist of my own.

Most of the rants I write that I really think hit the mark are from personal experience. But since my personal experience on a daily or weekly basis is somewhat limited I don’t have much of a well to dip out of there.

I go to work, go to flea markets and yard sales and, well, that’s about it.

There are only so many times you can write about being pissed off about other drivers until it feels like that is too easy a topic if you get my drift.

Last week I wrote a piece about 911. I thought it was a pretty good one and I did indeed get quite a few positive responses about it. It is gratifying to have people like what you do but there is a paradox. I have discovered that I am more interested in talking with the people who don’t like what I have written or have an opposing point of view. Those are the ones who give me the gumption to face the blank white page of Microsoft Word each time and come up with several hundred words.

I have threatened in the past to collect some of these into book form. Many of you have said you would buy it. I am very close to actually realizing that little achievement. My intent, although I haven’t asked anybody yet, is to sell this “Book of Rants” to benefit the Hoyt library. Heaven knows that they could use any help and while my pitiful effort won’t replace the roof maybe I can raise enough for a few shingles.

Or then again I could be wrong.


Go back to today’s Blog post for 1/17/11

Buy the book-But then again…here

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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