Saturday Morning Aggregate

Saturday Morning Aggregate

Big snow coming here. First storm is big no matter how many inches we get but this one is about 4 to 6″ of the heavy wet stuff. Nothing yet at 6am but it’s coming, so say the weather people. A rare October snow, they say.

The Weather Channel HD is worthless for a local forecast. The “Local on the eights” covers the whole country, with a stupid graphic and no real information of value. The regular, non-HD channel has the old style one with an actual forecast that concentrates on the local. Great job, guys, improve the look, sacrifice the information. And the best part- I only found this out because I was watching upstairs in my office on a non-HD TV. So there you go.

We may lose power. Usually we have cable (Internet)even when the power goes out but my UPS will only hold up for an hour or so powering the wireless router for the laptop. I could end up a McDonald’s after a thrilling all wheel drive this PM. I will not be happy and the Long-suffering wife really hates it. But the web never sleeps and doesn’t care about my power or lack thereof.

I am planning on a good Juiced! entry today including pictures. See it Here.

I seem to have a regular bunch of readers. More than a handful. Less than I would like. I am grateful to all of you. Thanks for reading!

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About James Rising

A recovering radio addict wrestles with the written word.
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