Sunday Wrap 10/24/11-10/29/11
Here is look at what I have posted the last week, along with a bonus link to my daily blog about my adventures in juicing. If I don’t type enough text here the Facebook insets all sorts of mysterious code so I am just sort of rambling on here to see if I can get Facebook to not do that. Have a great week and Go Dale Jr. I still evidently need more blather. Maybe I will use some aaaa code to fill in the blanks.
Monday 10/24/11
Blog Post A Pirate looks at 31
Tuesday 10/25/11
Blog Post ‘Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye)’, Paul Leka R.I.P.
Wednesday 10/26/11
Blog Post WEEKENDER COLUMN: Purposeless, needless and doomed to fail
Thursday 10/27/11
Blog Post Radio DaZe: WSNO
Friday 10/28/11
Blog Post Picture This: Just One Child
Saturday 10/29/11
Blog Post Saturday Morning Aggregate